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Irish Cayman Owners?


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Just putting the feelers out for any Irish Cayman owners (north & south) keen to setup some informal drives, DIY/Mod meets, etc.


Who else is sick of playing second fiddle to the 911 lads...


We've got some great roads over here...let's use 'em!






Edited by Andyoz
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  • 2 months later...

Just a note that we have an Irish crew coming together nicely that REALLY drive their cars.


Details here: https://www.facebook.com/PorscheDriversIreland


Here's a shot from last Sundays drive in South Antrim around some of the bike and road race stages.


IMG_20201025_120904-01 (Resize).jpeg

Edited by Andyoz
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The concept has morphed from Cayman only to any Porsche owner that fancies a morning drive at short notice when the weather window is good.


The main Porsche Club GB etc dates are booked months in advance (unknown weather....rain!) and tend to be long middle of the day things - many lads prefer an early Sunday morning run at short notice then back to the family/kids by lunch time and still in the good books.


There's room for both types of runs I think.

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