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Hi from North East London


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Hey guys, 


Quick intro from me. Recently purchased my first Cayman in the form of a 2010 987.2 S. Pretty stock at the moment but looking to change that a little before I take her out on track in the summer. Would be great to connect with any other owners from London who user theirs on track and also road trips, Sunday drives etc so hit me up if you live in the London area and are like-minded. Would be great to run my ideas past you if you have done similar things with your Cayman as I am a newbie in the Cayman world. Loved every minute of it so far!



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Welcome Joe,


I'm sure there must be other London based Caymanites on here who you can meet up with. 

There’s plenty of experience and opinion on the forum too on ‘best mods’ etc, so any Qs you have will no doubt garner a response. 

ive already seen your brakes Q 👍🏻


Im booked into MSVs Bedford Autodrome for a track day on March 20th. 

Hope you have many enjoyable miles and smiles in your new Cayman - 987.2 S is a wonderful car, very analogue and ‘true’ in its feel 👍🏻



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