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Badly misting up car


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Hi all


I have a 2011 987 and have had it for 8 years. Over the past 6 to 9 months it has started to mist up very badly in the cabin.  Didn't do it up until then. All the seals look OK.  


Anyone else had this issue and, if so, what was the cause? Any ideas gratefully received.





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11 hours ago, DougP said:

Hi all


I have a 2011 987 and have had it for 8 years. Over the past 6 to 9 months it has started to mist up very badly in the cabin.  Didn't do it up until then. All the seals look OK.  


Anyone else had this issue and, if so, what was the cause? Any ideas gratefully received.





Are the mats/carpet wet?


If water is getting in due to a blocked rain channel and is sitting in the car then this could be a cause.



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Many thanks for the reply.  Carpets seem dry but good advice on the blocked rain channel(s).  

Any idea where I can find info on where the various drain channels are.



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  • 4 weeks later...

Hi, for a cayman the only drain channels as far as I know are either side of the battery tray in the front, the one inside the petrol filler cap and the air conditioning condense one (goes to just behind of one of the wheels).


in terms of places to check:


1) check carpet passenger side - if wet this could be the air con leaking

2) check the carpet on the bottom of the door cards, this would be the inner door seal if wet and is pretty common as the seal degrades with age

3) check the drain holes by the battery and carpet in the frunk


I think only other place could be the windscreen seal or if the foam on the heater vent flap has started to perish/break down.


To clean the drain channels recommend getting a trombone cleaning snake as they’re about the right size.

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