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coil pack fault


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I had a fault come up on my dash so took it in to a friend and tested it and found that 1 2 3 are miss firing so he said the coil pack needs replacing, so brought the set and spark plugs from Porsche then got the fitted started it up and now it says 1 is miss firing but tried to reset it and will not reset so do I need a VAG computer to reset it?



please can anyone help ?



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I'm not sure VAG-com is the required tool, but you will need software like it, e.g. iCarsoft or similar if you want to clear the codes.  Most don't use the software, it's normally a trip to your friendly specialist to clear the code for a beer to two.  



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in my experience misfire cel with disappear when the misfire is no longer there...so do you still have a misfire ?

1st thing i would have done is swap bank 1 coilpacks with bank 2 and see if you got a misfire code for the opposite bank proving the coilpacks were faulty as i find it strange all 3 would appear to fail at the same time so possibly a mistake in determining the original fault?

how much were the porsche parts if you dont mind me asking? there only beru coilpacks which you can get elsewhere..

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I was thinking that is what I would do next is to change them over and see if it is the coil that is playing up.

i paid £380 for the set of coils and set of spark plugs 

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3 minutes ago, smunns said:

I was thinking that is what I would do next is to change them over and see if it is the coil that is playing up.

i paid £380 for the set of coils and set of spark plugs 

expensive then...close to double...just for a porsche box.

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I took my Cayman int Porsche Brooklands to find out it was the Valve timing sensor that was playing up so they changed that and it drives like a dream so love the drive of it now.

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