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Forum Updates - August 2020


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As most of you will notice the look and functionality of the website and forum has been undergoing some changes and upgrade to a new version of the forum software.  Needless to say it's not quite there yet and some functionality was lost during the update as well as the slick look to some of the pages.  


We're still working on some aspects of this but hopefully the main functions of the forum are all now working as they should be.  @Cliff R the 'All Activity' link is back this morning, and also working on the mobile website.  


We are also working on the app too, that should hopefully be available soon and should be a neat way of receiving mobile notifications, messaging and using the forum on your mobile devices.  We'll announce when that is ready.  


If anybody notices anything odd, any bugs or important things missing, then please comment below and we'll look at addressing it over the next few days.  




  • Thanks 1
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Many thanks .

Fully understand upgrades only commented because I thought my tablet was at fault for some reason.

Great to see All Activity back makes life easier to read latest posts

Well done thanks for that.

An app would be excellent to see the above just bang on the app and right into the latest Activity.

Cheers Cliff. 

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