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which Pilot Super Sport?


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Mine came with PSS on the rear and PS2s on the front, all N rated. They have 5mm or so and will be fine for my upcoming track day, probably need changing after that and ready for the winter rain.


A question, I'm not in warranty so not bothered about N rating and I want PSS, there are several different types with the same ratings, some have a slightly different load rating, some with a BMW or Audi approval, some with XL rating (for higher loads? SUVs?). Is there so much difference worth worrying about? There is a few tens of pounds difference in price, any idea chaps? Which PSSs do you run specifically?


dropped an email to Michelin about there PS4s and when they will bring out more 19" sizes, they get v good reviews and will be a a little cheaper than the PSSs. Think I'll need replacements before then though. 

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7 minutes ago, Beanoir said:

Just go for the vanilla non-N rated, non-XL version, non-manufacturer specific version. That's what I have on mine and they're fantastic tyres. 

Ta, will do. Expensive business this Porsche ownership, glad my low milage won't make this a common occurrence. 2-4 track days a year max and probably not spanking it as much much as a half way competent driver when I do should keep the replacement cycle under control! 

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18 minutes ago, CaymanDave said:

You don't need the XL (Extra Load) version but you should get the correct speed rated ones.  


Yes, make sure they are exactly to Porsche spec for width, speed rating, load or you may be invalidating your insurance.

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12 hours ago, DJMC said:


Yes, make sure they are exactly to Porsche spec for width, speed rating, load or you may be invalidating your insurance.

I don't think there is an exact match to spec for load rating for PSS, speed rating is fine. You may be correct but I've never heard that being an issue, I doubt many use cars have exactly to spec tyres load rating (other than width/rim/profile)


not it saying you're incorrect just that it's unlikely. I suspect there is some woolly wording in the small print. On a side issue I think there has been a clarification in insurance law, insurers cannot now refuse to put out if your hose burns down but you incorrectly described your window locks or someone breaks in through a door. Not the same but perhaps similar. 

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