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Porsche meeting in Normandie, France

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19 minutes ago, Beanoir said:

I should put this in the calendar, be good to have a little continental jaunt.  



Might be good to see who is interested, have a few cars go there.

I am not too sure of all the details as I only copied and pasted the French text into google translate, my French is a little weak as I only learnt things like asking for a room with a shower at school... 

Are there any French speakers between us?

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39 minutes ago, richjar said:

I only learnt things like asking for a room with a shower at school... 



You had an ensuite room at your boarding school!?


How posh are you!



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On Facebook, paste in: amicaleporschistesnormandie.org


Perhaps Nick, as our event co-ordinator, could ask some questions on there?



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Registration is here: http://amicaleporschistesnormandie.org/resources/Formulaire d'inscription Porsch'Color.pdf


Looks a bit of a posh event, cocktail evening etc.  Not entirely sure I quite understand the order of the day just yet.  I'd probably suggest we booked our own hotel somewhere nearby if people wanted to stop over.  I've been to Honfleur before, it's very picturesque but I can imagine it would be a bit tight for space both for parking and accommodation.  


Location: Honfleur, Normandy, France




On the 29th and 30th of April 2017 the Amicale Porschistes Normandie emerges its palette ... of colors!
Porsche manifestations and concentrations are numerous throughout the year and often resemble each other. In 2016 the Amicale Porschistes Normandie wanted to stand out by creating a gathering based on conviviality and color.
As surprising as it may seem, it was the first event of its kind in France and the success exceeded the expectations with more than 250 Porsche who showed us of all colors!
And what better than the romantic city of Honfleur to organize such an event? City of painters where color is omnipresent was the perfect setting for the first edition of the Porsch'color.
In order for the whole Porsche community to be able to meet, the demonstration was open to all Porsche "Couleur" or "Non couleur" and out of the 250 registered, they were roughly half and half.

It must be remembered that the Amicale Porschistes Normandie is an independent club and as such, strange as it may seem, does not benefit from any official help from Porsche; This did not prevent them from mounting an event that had nothing to envy to its neighbors.
In 2017 the Amicale Porschistes Normandie renews its event with a whole new program because the friendly team of organization of lack of energy nor ideas!
So that the synergy and conviviality between Porschists is fully expressed, there will be only one place to welcome all the Porsches around a village of partners where we will find the big names that gravitate around Porsche .
The cartographic rally in the form of a connecting route will be the kick-off of the weekend.
Then welcome to Honfleur, installation, reunion, exchanges and discussions before we meet at the Grenier Sal in the evening for a lively evening around a cocktail dinatory well stocked!
Three salt granaries were built in 1670, for the storage of salt for the gabelle, largely with stones from the ancient ramparts of the city. They stored 10,000 tonnes of salt for the cod fishery on the banks of Newfoundland. Only two of the three granaries have been preserved and are now owned by the city which uses them as reception rooms.
It is in this superb and historic setting that we will do but ... soberly!
On Sunday we have a lot of surprises and novelties around the village of partners where entertainment will keep us busy all day.
But let us keep a bit of suspense, we will not reveal everything and will keep a little matter for the next information next month. Be aware that the team is full of new ideas!
Places will be expensive ... but not the commitments we want to maintain at one of the lowest existing rates!
Indeed the Amicale Porschistes Normandie wants to keep to its manifestation a character essentially accessible, friendly and open to all and all whatever its Porsche and its means; Priority to pleasure and conviviality!
The only default of the Porsch'Color 2017 will be its limited number of seats so if you wish to be part of the adventure of the Porsch'Color, register by clicking on the link below.

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Dam dam and more dam. So I have checked the dates and on Saturday 29 April is the Italian car day at Brooklands, which is an event I always look forward to.


Which to do- can I do both???

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