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NC 500


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Not specifically Cayman related so please remove if not on point!


have any of you guys done the North Coast 500? And if so what are the roads like on suspension and wheels? 

I.e. Will doing it wreck my suspension and 19"Turbo Alloys? 


Hoping to do it at at some point next year but can do it in brother in laws M6 if it will kill my wheels and suspension! 


Thanks in advance. 

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Not personally but many Porsche owning friends have, concensus is to travel clockwise and avoid the NE section i.e. a NC400.


I have done several Highland runs and will be Oban based for a long weekend at the end of the month. Much to see without venturing on to the single track areas. I have not yet encountered any really poor roads hence do not be afraid to use your CS. 


Are you a PCGB member / user  ... the Scotland North Resources section has some info. that may be of use. 


If you do venture up, give me a nod. 



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Thanks guys,

Beanoir I suppose the gravel rash depends on how many vehicles you get stuck behind eh!

Mk1 will do. I've travelled the Oban area a lot on the bike and the roads are awesome. I assume the NE bit misses out John OGroates?

to be honest when I do it I'll probably do the lot or I'll feel cheated. I've had the clockwise suggested previously as apparently the east coast is a little dull in comparison to the west? Any thoughts on that?

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