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Cayman OC Meet at RPM Technik


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The guys at RPM Technik have kindly offered to host a Cayman OC meet at their HQ!


Details to be refined but there will be a guided tour of their workshops, various cars on display including their latest CSR Cayman and the RPM GT4 and the RPM team around to chat about the cars. 


You will also be very glad to know that a cafe van serving drinks and bacon sandwiches will be open and serving.  


RPM will be opening up on the Sunday morning just for the event, for us, so can people please put their names down on the list so we can keep track of numbers for the day to ensure there is enough parking space on the day.  


Time: 9am-12noon

Date: Sunday 14th January 2018

Location: RPM Technik, Units 6&7, Old Airfield Industrial Estate, Cheddington Lane, Long Marston, Hertfordshire, HP23 4QR


More details closer to the time, but this should be a really good event to get out and beat the new year blues and blow away the cobwebs!  


For those unfamiliar with RPM Technik, they are a well known independent Porsche specialist and individually they are enthusiasts.  https://rpmtechnik.co.uk






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