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Cayman Rs for sale

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Funny enough I haven't until today when it was shoved under my nose on a tablet . Some nosey Tickle my toes in work decided he was determined to find out what it cost me, (as he has a knackered old 911 and hates the fact that I have the R. Hand on heart I've never looked before then.


BTW - can't stop thinking bout that boxster......


Edited by Red Square Images
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I'm guilty of having looked but only because somebody else made a comment about prices at the last meet, no intention of selling.  Worth thinking about the insurance though for sure.  


Pretty car isn't it! 



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4 hours ago, Beanoir said:


No! You're bloody not! ;) 


Or did you mean simply it's condition was good for the year? I'm in the "fried egg; push-me pull-you" camp over this design.


Good to drive perhaps (if you can fit in one. I couldn't at 6' 1") but that's about it!

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