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painting my cayman from grey to green.. ya kinda crazy.


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Fantastic job. Looks mega. Only thing that jumped out to me in the video is the rounded end of the black stripe on the hood looks a big jagged and not perfectly crisp. Could be the video playing tricks on the eye though. I would reckon doing those stripes as decals would give a crisper edge finish. Looking forward to part 2. Looks stellar! 

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16 hours ago, Julian987 said:

Fantastic job. Looks mega. Only thing that jumped out to me in the video is the rounded end of the black stripe on the hood looks a big jagged and not perfectly crisp. Could be the video playing tricks on the eye though. I would reckon doing those stripes as decals would give a crisper edge finish. Looking forward to part 2. Looks stellar! 


Thanks, I'm excited to get it done and drive it this spring. 

Next time I'm out there I'll take a better pic of the stripe. I don't think it is jagged but I could be wrong. 

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14 hours ago, Windymiller said:

Mate, that is fantastic and I love your DIY paint booth 👍🏻

Kudos to your effort - your car looks epic in that shade of green 🤩


Thank you!! I can't wait to get it done. I'm hoping within the next month i have have it back down on wheels 😊

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  • 2 weeks later...
On 21/01/2023 at 03:03, Porschaholic said:

Looks great in Green. Did you have to flat and polish to get that finish?


yes. In a barn.. can't keep all the particulates and such out of the paint. its not horrible but i do have to sand and buff, which doesn't bother me as i would have buff anyway. 👍

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  • 3 weeks later...
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  • 4 weeks later...
On 17/03/2023 at 13:06, ttt123 said:

All finished up. 


I have a new IPD plenum kit and GT3 throttle body for sale if anyone is interested. I put them on for one week and pulled them back off. I didn't like the change. $800 for the whole kit, shipped from 48446 is someone needs them shipped. 




You did get the car mapped, right?  It will drive pretty awful without a map.

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  • 2 weeks later...
On 18/03/2023 at 19:44, Aaron said:


You did get the car mapped, right?  It will drive pretty awful without a map.

 yes I used a softronics tune.. I don't recommend them.

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On 18/03/2023 at 11:34, Windymiller said:

From the photos it looks like you’ve done a great job - I think your ‘GT-R’ style / look really suits the 987 shape, and the colour is superb 🤩👍🏻


thanks. i had it out yesterday for a short drive and people went crazy over it 😀 made me feel good to see everyones reactions to it.

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5 hours ago, ttt123 said:

 yes I used a softronics tune.. I don't recommend them.


Can you elaborate some more?  I have a Softronics map on my car and it's been spot on for just under 6 years now.


Curious to hear what's caused your bad experience/if Scott has gone downhill.

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well for ME.. no support.  I had an issue with my check engine light coming on and tried to get some help trouble shooting it after the tune.. I was met with "go have it inspected and get me the codes" 


So I had to either go by me a code reader or have a mechanic look into it. 


So I ended up taking it in and $1300 later the porsche mechanic said it has something to do with the 02 sensors. I didn't pay to have them fix it as they said it was most likely the placement of the sensors on the after market headers. 


Told that to Softronics in a thread we were going back and forth over and he chimed in and said "ya 02 sensor placement can cause engine lights" which left me replying "you couldn't just have said that before i spent $1300 on a mechanic" 


Not a fan of them... there customer support sucks.. flat out sucks. I have his back and forth emails and he is rude, short with you and once you pay.. your on your own. 


My experience with them.. i know plenty are fans of theirs. Kudos to those who have had good experiences with them FOR ME.. not a fan. 




Edited by ttt123
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