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Fitting switch


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I am going to fit a front parking camera but dont want it powered on all the time. Has anyone fitted an on/off switch in a 987.1 if so where?





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Hi Barry, do you have trouble seeing out of the windscreen when parking? I can see the usefulness of a rear camera when parking, perhaps, but if you struggle seeing to the front may I suggest one of these?...





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I’d route the live to the fuse box and stick the switch near there.  Or I’ve seen them mounted inside the ash tray and the centre cubby hole too. Depends how far you want to go really.  


If you’re really smart and have a spare button on the button panel under the air con fascia, then you could use that.  Buy a new button panel from an OPC with an extra switc in that you don’t have the accessory for (PSE or something maybe) and use that switch. That would be smart.

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How about a couple of "coin" wire micro switches just under the splitter with the wire proud of it to the front?... 




Wire touches concrete, alerts you, bends so as not to damage your car. This one has a 3" wire.




May make your car look like an ant?


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Barry, once you have fitted it and driven 3k, I think the camera will be covered in merde?


Or will you fit a wash wipe system to it?

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I don't think I will have a problem, I wash the car every week and have not noticed that the front is particularly dirty. Wether the French roads don't chuck up so much dirt as in the UK is open to debate, although I have noticed on the odd occasion when I have driven in the south of England in adverse weather conditions I have had to use the wash/wipe quite often. Normally roads dry quickly here and if it rains then the lens with be kept clean ( I hope). The camera is really neat only 20mm diameter and they even supply a hole saw to cut the 18.5mm mounting hole. The camera is designed for front mounting so I assume that anyone who has fitted one doesn't have a problem, or has not reported it. If it proves to be a problem I will have to revert to my bell on a stick.



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It does not go through the PCM, I have 2.1 so difficult and expensive. I have changed the rear view mirror for one that has a built in screen that comes on when reverse is selected. I have found out that the front camera can be powered all the time with the ignition on and I can turn the screen on with the aux in switch which is built into the rear view mirror. The rear view camera has priority so if you are on front camera and reverse is selected then the front camera will go off, then come back on again when reverse is deselected. When you are finished the front camera screen is switched off on the mirror and the whole thing goes back to being a normal rear view mirror. The rear view camera is built into the number plate light and the ensemble is bluetooth so minimum wiring.

This is the rear view mirror:




Edited by barryb
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Sounds like a smart set-up! I’d be following Monkey’s suggestion and source a switch panel with additional buttons.  If you don’t have PASM then something like this would be perfect...





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Hi SpannerMan


I don't need the switch now I am wiring the front camera to the ignition side as it does not mind being left on all the time. The rear view mirror has a switch to turn on the feed from the front camera when reverse is not selected ( it's the middle button on the mirror link above , the left is the auto dim sensor and the right is the power on indicator)



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