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Bedford Festival of Motoring - 1st/2nd June

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This year Bedford is hosting its inaugural Festival of Motoring event on the weekend of the 1st & 2nd of June.  Steve (Bushman) has been doing a grand job of representing the OC in discussions with the organisers to secure a club dedicated area for up to 15 cars, on both days of the festival.  It would be great if we could get a good turnout for this.


The plan will be a proper club stand with a gazebo, club banners up etc.  


The event promises to be fairly impressive and would be great for the OC to be part of the event's premier.  More info is below and on the official event website here:  https://www.bedfordfestivalofmotoring.com


Bedford Festival of Motoring


Located on the beautiful Embankment in the heart of Bedford, this festival to be held on 1st and 2nd of June this year embraces all things motoring.


Staged in partnership with Bedford Borough Council, this exciting new Festival will sit alongside the ever-popular Bedford International Kite Festival taking place on Russell Park.


Offering something for everyone, whether you're a motoring enthusiast or simply looking for a fun-filled family day out, this site will keep you up to date with all the attractions that will be on offer and details of how you can get involved. 


If you are interested in attending with the club and would like to secure a space on the stand, then please register your interest below stating which days (Sat, Sun or Both).  First come first served given the limited spaces for this guys!  


Any questions on the event, then feel free to contact Steve( @Bushman) or me directly or post below.  







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cheers Nick. just to clarify, I have secured 15 places on the Saturday and 15 places on the Sunday. you can book in for both days if you want to stay locally in a hotel. I would recommend that those that want to be there for both days take their cars back to the security of their overnight stay rather than leaving them at the show site. the organiser states there will be security patrols but mindless vandalism is mindless vandalism and hard to police. its £10 per car if you book in as OC members, this covers both days. I could maybe help with local hotel knowledge and recommendations but you will need to be quick to get a local one. 

There is a really good Italian café about a mile away that does great food and good brekkies, I go there every Saturday morning anyway so we could meet there first, times TBA once I have spoken to Adrian the show organiser. From Monday 1st (no joke) I will contact Adrian to prep him for OC bookings. Please let us know on here if you intend to go and on which day please so that we can track numbers. Adrian tells me will will have a good spot. PCGB have a stand and places as well but we will not be together with them. 

hope all this helps.. PM me if not and I will do what I can. Steve

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On 01/04/2019 at 22:58, Bushman said:

Keith, you will need to go onto the BFoM webpage and book yourself in as an OC member, its £10 per car. cheers mate, see u there.

So we cannot turn up on the day and pay. If so I'm affraid I'm going to have to give it a miss.

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  • 2 weeks later...
On 04/04/2019 at 10:32, Keith W said:

So we cannot turn up on the day and pay. If so I'm affraid I'm going to have to give it a miss.

Just realised this is on at the same time as Simply Porsche with a lot of us attend.

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awesome Pandalf, as of yesterday, the organisers contacted me, putting  bit of pressure on by stating that so far, I was the only one from the COC to register and did we still want to attend as a club and did we still want to reserve the space.? I said I would put out a reminder on the forum to all members who wanted to go to the festival to go onto the festival webpage and register ASAP please. then I they could let us know. I would go back to the organisers with an answer.

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