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Have you changed your own suspension?

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Just wondering really how many of us are happy to grab the spanners and do mechanical work themselves.  I’ve got a heap of control arms, arb bushes, drop links etc and was intending to do the job myself...I’m not shy of taking a car apart and putting it back together, just wondered if I should just cough up and pay somebody and save myself a days work.  


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For me I find the satisfaction of doing it yourself so rewarding - providing it is a job that I am confident doing or is a mechanical job where it is fairly black and white that it can be completed correctly, if it is something that is better suited to years of experience or skilled tuning or adjustment then I'm always left wondering if it is right if I complete myself.  I also find that you learn so much more about your car in the process and often about unrelated parts just because they need to be removed first.


The other consideration is if you have the time, I am in awe of the progress you have made in such a small time that you have owned your latest vehicle, in comparison I just keep looking at weekends that are coming up and realising that I barely have time to drive at the moment let along start fettling...……..!  Having seen from your previous posts your interest in the vehicle and the specifics of every feature or modification I think something like suspension set up which can be so personal, but also something which is continually tinkered with until you find the perfect for you set up, is something you might be happier having done yourself especially if further tinkering might take place after the initial installation.


Look forward to the updates whichever way you go.

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I was happy to change all the suspension, it was a big task, but you learn a lot about the car in the process and can make a day of it. Or 14 days if you're me.  Also it depends on why you'r doing the work, repairing damaged/warn out stock components because it's a daily driver, probably isn't something I would do myself. But, installing aftermarket everything and looking forward to seeing the end results is all part of the fun. 


Locked away in the garage with the spanners on a rainy day with infinite tea, biscuits, cricket commentary and no emails is basically a holiday!

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Not averse to getting the spanners out and doing small to medium type jobs.


I guess like a lot of people I'm time poor, so often its better to pay the specialist rather than use my holiday or weekend.


Also there is the cost of buying the tools required for some jobs.


Although when you get your car back all covered in finger prints and scratched, you'd rather have done it yourself!


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I've very limited on time, hardly find time with wife, kids and dog to go out for a drive on the weekend let alone spending time twiddling my fingers. I've never done car work so i'd much rather pay someone to do it correctly. I love the idea of doing things myself but I also have zero tools to do it.

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Paying someone to do it correctly is no guarantee it will be done correctly. They may get the trainee to do your car and not check it,


Always check the work after them, have a look under the bonnet.


In my time with other cars I've had an oil filler cap left off, lost the cap and oil sprayed all over the engine bay, wrong size tyres fitted and found a screwdriver left under the bonnet.


So I always check now before I leave the garage premises.



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I recently bought a 30 year old Fiat Ducato camper van and have had a great time doing it up over the last few months, but that's because I've been able to get to all the oily bits very easily (can almost climb into the engine bay) and I'm not fussed if it goes wrong and I have to use a hammer to fix it. The Cayman on the other hand, which I'm much more precious about, I leave anything that looks complicated or needs it to go up on stands to my local mechanic. 

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If you have a decent ball joint splitter and a torque wrench, then it's just a case of nuts and bolts to be honest.  


Used to spanner my 987, saved me a fortune in shop bucks

Edited by CaymanDave
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